My interest in dogs was first sparked 5 years ago when I adopted my dog Cali from Crete. Like many other foreign street dogs she was incredibly nervous of the outside world and shut down at the first signs of anything unfamiliar. I became set on my mission to help her be able to live a happy and normal life. We went through several professionals, none of which were able to help as much as we needed. Until we met one trainer who really helped me understand Cali and her behaviour. Our relationship grew and grew and I became inspired to help other owners understand and build that relationship with their dogs.

Now, Cali can be seen on my daily pack walks as she serves as an excellent example of what training can really achieve. She is no longer shut down and nervous and enjoys her life to the full, helping me with client dogs and she is the perfect stooge!

From there I began work at a veterinary practice to deepen my knowledge about dogs and other animals, frequently getting involved in tough cases with the vets and nurses I worked alongside. At the same time as this I started learning to walk dogs and this is how my love of pack walks was born. For the next 2 years I shadowed trainers as well as running my own walks and eventually my own training clients, from puppies to reactive adult dogs, before venturing out on my own with this business.

Over the last 5 years I have studied and achieved a distinction Level 3 Diploma in Canine Behaviour Training, Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Canine Science and Behaviour and a Diploma in Canine First Aid, and I am currently working towards a Diploma in Canine Nutrition, which has been the perfect theoretical accompaniment to my hands on experience over the years.

Check out my social media Cali_K9_Training on instagram for pictures and videos of mine and Cali’s journey, as well as my journey with my new dog Sig as we aim to start in protection sports and high level obedience!

dog trainer

“Dani and the team are great with our dogs, they love them and their training walks put our mind at ease to know they are in such capable caring hands”